When is Too Young?

  • Daylight Lucidity
    11 years ago

    When are you too young to be:

    A.) in love
    B.) Getting married
    and C.) thinking of your future

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    11 years ago

    A: I don't think you're ever to young to be in love. The chances of it lasting are less when you're younger though since you both grow and change so much. It can last when you're young but we always think everything is lasting and strong when we're young. Ah to be young again :)

    B: I'd say ideally when you both can be legally married without your parents or guardians having to sign the paper for you :P I always figured no matter how strongly I felt, I'd wait till after I could legally have complete say of my life and I've never been more glad for something I choose as a teenager.

    C: You're never to young to think about your future and decide where you want to go in your life, be it profession wise or personally. The younger you figure out where you want to go in life the sooner you can figure out the steps you need to take to get there :)

  • Daylight Lucidity
    11 years ago

    Thank you very much :) I have the same views, I just wanted someone elses perspective about these things

  • La Reina De Corazones
    11 years ago

    In love no limits but it would help lol
    marriage urgh the pain in my heart lol hmmm i would say it SHOULD be illegal to get married until your an adult but you CAN marry when your young you just need the parent or guardian's approval and on the third one hmmm life is life! :)

  • Dark Secrets
    11 years ago

    I think you're too young to love before you're mature. Maturity of course depends on the person so it varies. Anything before maturity I believe is a fling, crush, lust or a relationship for the sake of being in one. I believe that the age for first love is at 14-15. This does not mean that I disrespect relationships before this age or people who have been in them. I just believe that this is logical for me.

    As for marriage I believe that under 18 is too young. However, I don't believe it's ideal to get married at 18. I think a good age to get married is in your 20's. Also, maturity helps at this stage too in addition to having a career and good education before this step.

    As for thinking about the future, it's too much of a broad term to be putting an age for. Anyone and everyone can think of the future. However if you mean settling down, having a home, career and all I think no one should be thinking of it before highschool. If a kid thinks about these things they may have serious issues at home. What I mean though is not just thinking. It's deliberate and independent (not stimulated by questioning) thinking with an intention to plan for that future.

  • Marcy Lewis
    10 years ago

    A.) Idek. I fell in love at 15. And the feelings are still there. So probably too young..like 14 or 13.

    B.) 50% of marriages before 25 end up in divorce. I say 25 to 26 is a good age for it. Anything sooner - usually just is lacking a lot of maturity.

    C.) Any time. I started planning my wedding at 7 years old, and my occupation.

  • Aveena
    10 years ago

    When are you too young to be:

    A.) Logically, I think one could say they "love" someone around the age of 14-15. It's not wrong before that but, generally this age is common. You jump out of middle school and think you need to be in a relationship in high school. Not to bash anyone but, it might last or it wouldn't it depends.

    B.) I think you could think of marriage at any age, I mean since one is small they've heard stories about princess and their prince. But I think the perfect age to think about getting married is around 25. When you're typically finished school and in the mids of getting a job down.

    and C.) You can think about your future anytime, I mean technically speaking tomorrow is the future ;)

  • Tim
    10 years ago

    More importantly, why have you asked these questions?

  • Hope Bound Heart
    10 years ago

    A. I don't think you are ever too young to be in love, but at the same time as you mature I think your perception of love does as well. It's a beautiful thing the coming of age for your emotions.

    B. I would say a good time is when you yourself know who you are and your partner is comfterable with themselves. I have been with my fiancee since I wa s asophmore in high school. She is 2 years younger than me, we have been together for 8 years now. We both changed a lot through highschool, a lot more between the ages of 18 and 19 , even more 19-20 etc. We are still together through many struggles, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Love like everything in life is the effort you put into it, and how much pride you're willing to give up for the sake of the relationship. Sometimes being right doesn't always end with a happy ending, and you have to find your way through issues that are never going to go away, together. Together being important.

    C. Whenever you want. Your future willc hange as your life,city,school etc does. Sometiems you make plans, and plans fall through. Even unbreakable plans can break. It's jsut about adapting, and making th ebest of a bad situation. Life is what you make it, remember that. You can dwell or you can do something about it.

  • EllaFaye
    10 years ago

    A. There are different kinds of love in my opinion, and no one can ever really be in love with someone else if they aren't in love with themselves. At least, in my experience.

    B. My parents were married at 23. I'm 22 now and though I absolutely love my boyfriend, I can't imagine marrying him yet. We both need a few more years before we take that next step together. It's different for everyone, though I do think that being 18 is too young, simply because you grow too much between 18-21 ish. People change an incredible amount in those years. In my opinion, it's a bad time to commit to one person for the rest of your life.

    C. I think always being aware of the future is good, though I don't think you should obsess over it.

    Person who posted above me, I really thought your answers were very good and well thought out.

  • Angel
    10 years ago

    A. youre never too young to be in love
    B. if youre under 18 you shouldnt be allowed to be married
    C. it is NEVER to early to think about your future

  • Liquid Grace
    10 years ago

    A: Love is subjective. Everyone defines it differently and often that definition grows as we get older. When I was 14 I was in love, in 14 year old love that is. When I turned 18 and met my husband I then experienced love as an 'adult' that love has continued to grow and define itself in a multitude of ways. So when is to young to love? Well it's hard to say but for me love at a young age was different from love as an adult. Dare I use the words puppy love? The intentions true and pure but with my limited experience I had nothing else to compare the feelings to.

    B: I think anyone who doesn't have a solid head on their shoulders shouldn't be getting married. This really ranges from all ages. I've seen some women so wrapped up in the idea of a wedding that they fail to see all the red flags in their relationships, figuring that getting married will magically make things better (Tip: it doesn't make things better it actually makes things worse if you go in with serious relationship issues). I've seen some couples that should just never get married and some of them are well into their 30's.

    I really don't think teens are equipped for the commitment that is marriage. Both in a financial and emotional stance. I truly do feel that at that stage it's like people are playing house. I think to be married you should be in some instances stable in your life, know what you want to do with your career life and truly have your roots ready to plant depending on those career and relationship choices. Marriage is more work than you will have ever imagined. There are days that you will want to pull your hair out. There are days that you will think unkind things of your significant other the will to continue to love them through all of those hard times the commitment of 'forever' shouldn't be taken lightly. You no longer can separate on a whim. Well you can but not without a lengthy and costly divorce proceedings. Marriage is work and it's not all rainbows and butterflies. At the end of the day I would rather spend days working through my DH and I's problems with my husband than being with another person. He's worth the work, he's worth the frustration and more importantly this man has stuck by the hardest years of our lives. It will take a lot to make us give up on what we have built together and continue to build together.

    C: I admire anyone who thinks about their future. Ambition is something that I will always encourage in people of any age. It's a great asset to have as a teen. The ability to look forward to your future and know what you want in terms of education, career etc. At 14 I had the following future goals for myself. 1.Get a hockey scholarship (Achieved) 2. Get a solid education from a reputable school with said scholarship in computer technology and business (Achieved). 3. (This one was more of a joke with my dad) Find an American boy (I'm Canadian) and marry him. After I achieved my first two life goals ;).(Achieved). All of the bigger goals I had for myself at 14 I some how managed to achieve. Those goals helped me really focus at a young age. It made me be realistic just as to what it would take of me to get where I wanted to get. I know many at that age who just don't know what they want to do. So again I think it's great for anyone of any age to be thinking about their future. Sure our plans can change but to at least have aspirations helps motivate a person and give them a general life path as to what it'll take to get them to where they want to be.