Untitled one

by Cam M   Feb 22, 2008

the teeming fantastic, that is life
redeemed, plied, purveyed, conveyed and condemned at once
a limitless resource, refined and redefined for the masses
masses of excreta, and abomination,
rotting upon the swollen sands of mother earth
as photonic sepsis falls upon the haemolymph of kindred phototrophs with wanton radiance,
whilst the cognate receptor reaps deserved chromogenesis.
blackened now, this parchment sucks upon such beauty, returning a void...
and the light streams, relentlessly...


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cam M

    Having just played Deus Ex: Invisible War, and with the ring of the Knight Templars exclaiming "Where is that Abomination?" as I snuck gamely around the map, I knew I just had to use that word somehow... :)