Now i know what life is about

by GabriellaxMoon   Feb 25, 2008

This poem is Flynn's may he rest in peace (L)

Its only now that it's almost over that i understand what life is really all about
That each new Dawn brings us a gift, a chance to cherish all the treasures we have
And the greatest treasure : is the one thats closest to us
But the irony is we don't always discover it until it's to late
It's the one that takes backseat to all those other important things we think about when we drive to our work in the morning
After the career, the morgues , the paycheck
An jet my greatest achievement wasn't my career
My greatest security wasn't the thought of my home payed of
My greatest comfort wasn't the paycheck at the end of the month
It was my family,
My greatest joy , my biggest achievement , my constant sours of love

It's only now that i really understand what life is all about
It's must following you're heart, against all the odds, no matter the repercussions
It's learning to trust again , ever tho those around us are still holding secrets
It's about taking a change
It's about searching the answers, even though we're afraid of what we'll find
And believing in a future
But most of all it's about LOVE , because if all is sad and done LOVE is the one thing that will never faid away or really dies


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