
by David Ensor   Mar 10, 2008

Went looking for a ray of hope
in the cellars of my soul
came to find theres less to me
than anyone ever thought there'd be
so i went to ask my dad
is there something wrong with that
and this is what he said to me
son theres nothing wrong with you
people just aren't meant to be
full of such complexity

went looking for some honesty
in the sewers of my heart
came to find I'm not as good
as i like to think i am
so i went to ask my dad
is there something wrong with that
and this is what he said to me
son theres nothing wrong with you
people just aren't meant to be
full of things like honesty

God came in to fill the hole
the part thats missing in my soul
he came to see theres less of me
than he'd planned for there to be
so i stopped and asked myself
is there something wrong with me


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