
by lost and incomplete   Mar 13, 2008

Look at yourself
your such a mess
looking down at your dirty dress
what brought you here
my love my dear
look there the moon is full
as water laps at shores
wind stirrs your hair so cool
as boats drift in their moors
you remember the way he touched you
shudder at the kisses too
the way he smelt of too much sweat
the way he said youd be kept
away from the light
away from your parental love
away from all thats right
away from all you hold dear
away from what yopu keep near
the wind whips at your dress
as you remember how your brother
beat you and tormented your anguish
yiur face once beautifull now a mess
tears fall down as the wind howls
you tear your dress ripping at the seams
standing still snow licks and tears your thighs
freezing eternal scars
trees scream and the wind sings
you look down at the speeding cars
you remember the good times
as it rises in your throat , a lump
you break downand sob, scream
and jump
squealing tires crash
and bump
nothing could replace you
not even the cash...


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  • 15 years ago

    by b r i d g e t

    Your writing is very original.
    paints a picture of the scene.
    its beautifully done.
    and thank you for commenting my poem =]

  • 16 years ago

    by JAYJ

    It was a very nicly written poem i loved it .. its so sad.. u painted the picture though

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollywood

    Wow i really loved this poem it was so amazing