The little girl you never really knew

by Emma McLean   May 23, 2004

You tried so hard to keep me,
The little girl you thought you knew,
The little girl so sweet so innocent,
The girl who's never blue.
If only you did know me,
The person i am inside,
If you knew the pain i felt within me every time i heard my mothers cries.
There are many things i know,
that i guess you never knew,
Cuz if you did you would have helped me,
You would have known exactly what to do.
You would have helped me through this,
I wouldn't be like this now,
i wouldn't look for release in a knife,
Every time my parents rowed.
But i guess you never knew me,
And now things cant be changed.
I guess there was one row too many, and a few cuts too deep,
And now the little girl is in and eternity of sleep.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Emma McLean

    only one of my poems are based on me myself.. and that one is the one about my old friends, the others are based on things around me how others are feeling. so you should ask me before you make an assumtion.

  • 19 years ago

    by JodieWatts

    Sorry Lol. But It's So Good