Living three lives.

by EMILIE   Mar 30, 2008

Living three lives
Yet I'm all alone
No one to call my friend or foe
Living three lives
Yet no one sees me
Living three lives
Is not quite what it seems
Living three lives
No one will understand
Why you act like your from wacky land
Living three lives
Feelings are all bottled up
Living three lives
Is not to much fun
Living three lives
One at home. One with friends. One all alone
Living three lives
With more then 3 people
Yet I'm all alone
No one to really speak to
Living three lives can make you mad
But worse then that it will make you sad
Living three lives always being who your not
Except when your alone lost in your own train of thought
Living three lives not quite what you seem
You'll even forget who you used to be
So living three lives is not what I want
I want to live one life that's all I want.


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