Comments : The one night of passion

  • 16 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    It's sexual in a poetic sense. The imagery makes it that much more vivid and colorful. It really touches a person. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by PygmyPuff

    Oh my goddd

    the energy and emotion and well passion is amazing. Theres so much there. It creates such a vibrant image in the readers heard.

    Advice: in stanza 2 theres repetition of the word "the" and in like 3 its "whose". And thers some others as well such as "and" "and" & "that". Its not consistant throughtout, so i would either change some of the duplicates to a synonym of rephrasal, or make a repetitive word in the stanzas which dont have it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Krathia

    Very nice, good imagery. And I like the Fire/Ice theme.

    Stanza 1:
    "are you ready
    here it goes"
    I find that this disrupts the flow, since your beginning is gentle and inquiring. These lines make it seem as if you're in a hurry to get the story over with, or as if it's some kind of race.

    Stanza 2: "fury of winter" Very pretty, especially with the image of falling leaves. And combined with the snug, warm home later on, it's quite a nice feeling. (Kinda like hot chocolate).

    Stanza 3: "whose breathes were so sharp and jagged they were like a million shards of glass" I like that. Shards of glass. Good metaphors, I can almost hear them.

    Stanza 4: "trail of fire" Again, I love the whole idea of Fire/Ice. Now, about the fireworks... Good metaphores, but thewords disrupt the flow. I would suggest working a bit more on that.

    Stanza 5: "sending shivers down his spin" Skin?

    Stanza 6: "tight velvet sheath" Velvet... Haven't seen that in a while. Good wording.

    Stanza 7: "she feels as if he completes her" Old cliche, but it doesn't bother me so much, in this case. ^^

    Stanza 8: "they both reach the mountain top together and share in the ride back down." Amazing analogy. I'm in awe right now. It takes a good poet to write that.

    Stanza 9, 10 & 11: Cold atmosphere, I like it. An unexpected change.

    Last stanza: Wonderful ending. I also like "one night that replays it self over and over", it's very true in a lot of cases, in almost all fields. We always see the same scenes in our heads, over and over again.

    Well done, a great poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by Flynel

    Woow long poem, And it sounds sad and sweet.. I like it >3 I dont know what more to say about it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Alex D

    Wow, I don't know where to begin. The imagery throughout the piece was extremely well crafted. The flow however was very inconsistent and made it hard to read through the entire poem. I felt the last two stanzas were very inconsistent with the rest of the poems theme and the ideas in these two stanzas were unintroduced and out of place. Like you wrote this beautiful love story and decided you wanted the guy to be in jail and didn't really say why he was in jail or gave any explanation.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • 16 years ago

    by SomeonesAngel

    Simply amazing, enough said.

  • 16 years ago

    by Daniel Rutter

    Love it, very erotic, yet in a special, loving kind of way.
    4/5 :)

  • 16 years ago

    by xxXCrazyXNeonXGurlXxx

    Very good poem

  • 16 years ago

    by sweet escape

    Loved the first for lines. but the rest of it seemed a lil random to me.....i didnt know y the guy was in prision what happened in the past. maby you could leave that part out or add more? but i give you a 3

  • 16 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    i loved the way you started this, sounded a bit mystical like a tale, but i knew what was coming because of the category the poems in. great emotions, the theme is really interesting and sad, hope its not true.
    take care x

  • 16 years ago

    by ericka

    I didn't expect that ending. it makes a little upset that he cant really be with her. overall great poem it drew me in and see the images as i was reading. i have to agree with the others the line "he touches her skin leaving a trail of fire following his finger tips" is HOT.