A tear at my feet

by Hollywood   Apr 10, 2008

Dear you:

I hate you
I hate what you have done to me,
I hate that i never smile,
And its all because of you!

That love we had
Started off as a seed,
Then it blossomed into something so beautiful,
As you started to beat me that flower was left to die,
Nothing has been the same,
Not even i!

I hate you for what you did
But know I'm starting to find alot more people...
Like you and i!
Boys lie to the girls,
Getting them all happy and in love,
Making them believe that you truly loved them!

I hate how that flower never sits next to me
like it once did,
It sat beautifully right next to me..don't you think?
As i sit here a tear falls at me feet,
I am here thinking of this once again!

I will never give you that second chance!
NEVER will i TRUST you the same


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  • 16 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    For your poem that is =)

  • 16 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    Boys lie to the girls,
    Getting them all happy and in love,
    Making them believe that you truly loved them!

    this is so true. i didn't used to believe it but i do now. even i hav fallen victim to it. well done

  • 16 years ago

    by AndreaDanielle

    I absolutely lovee

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    A female is always know as the flower. Look at it as if you are a rose. You start off with many pedels. Then you hold the boys hand, you gave him a pedel. You then kiss, there is another pedel, then you go all the way. you just keep giving him pedels until he has the whole rose. Then he throws them away, and now you have nothing left to give the next guy you see. And you waist so much love, so much time, so many tears on that person. So all you have to do is start fresh and buy yourself a new rose.

  • 16 years ago

    by Nathanilliam

    Lovely poem, lots of action words. I know the feeling of not being able to forgive someone who hurts you. Good write and fun to read.