Bestride the Sun

by Indian Comma Bean   Apr 15, 2008

Sitting here bestride the sun,
Alone and content when I'm the only one.
Quietly I am thinking aloud; It's here,
Where my mind is simply, clear.

A flute-like melody begins to creep,
I harken the tune, taking it deep;
Into my soul it slowly leaks,
Golden in color as it silently speaks.

A crimson crescent forms my lips,
As my pearly teeth turn a white eclipse;
I laugh to myself for no one's around,
As the feeling settles, I'm left staring at the ground.

Time passes...

As I'm sitting here bestride the moon,
Alone and miserable as I sing a tune.
Quietly I am thinking aloud; It's here,
I find myself empty nearly every year.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nicole the Fairy

    Excellent poem. Really liked it.
    - Seemed a little dark-minded for me, well more of a sad poem, but I still enjoyed it.
    Loved the rhythm and the ryhme. Well used in this poem.
    - Related well - read more than once, good poem.

    Keep it up <3
    - Nicole xx

  • 16 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow, very nicely written. I loved the choice of words you used, they painted a perfect imagery and the flow was excellent. Keep up the great work.

    Peace, Joe

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