
by Indian Comma Bean   Apr 22, 2008

That's not good enough.
Work harder.
That just won't suffice.

When is enough, enough?
With our knees in the dirt.
How many times must we trip,
In order to see the rock.

One more pill is just one more pill,
To make it through those extra hours.
Into the night we push,
Just to satisfy their everlasting needs.

So while we sit in our
Fold up steel,
As they sit back in their
Cotton thrones; Just think...

As you work.
Because it's never good enough.
As you work harder,
Because it will never suffice.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nicole the Fairy


    Stanza 1:
    That's not good enough.
    Work harder.
    That just won't suffice."

    -- Interesting- quick- simple start-- works well with the poem introduction.
    Like the fact that the third line is:
    "Work harder."
    ^ An interesting exaggeration - whilst reading aloud - and adds alot of affect to the first stanza- well done!

    Stanza 2:
    "When is enough, enough?
    With our knees in the dirt.
    How many times must we trip,
    In order to see the rock."

    -- Like the fact that Line 1 is a question, as if asking the reader to relate to the poem even more-- pulling me towards it. Also like the last two lines- it's a great metaphor, liked how you have portrayed this-- and also maybe a '?' should be placed at the end of line 4 ? ;]

    Stanza 3:
    "One more pill is just one more pill,
    To make it through those extra hours.
    Into the night we push,
    Just to satisfy their everlasting needs."

    -- Referring to sleeping pills-- nicely done! It's like saying that we are hurting ourself, and sacrifying alot, such as our sleep, in order to do more work, and more and more.. etc. Well done for this!! Favourite Line of this stanza:
    "One more pill is just one more pill,"
    ^ Really liked it ;]

    Stanza 4:
    "So while we sit in our
    Fold up steel,
    As they sit back in their
    Cotton thrones; Just think..."

    -- Love this stanza also-- I think it's the clinch- the climax of the poem!! Using metaphors, -- the workers get he crappy stuff, and sleep so poorly, yet the people that the workers work for don't do work, and don't sleep in such poor conditions-- they get 'cotton-thrones' -- loved these words!
    - Use of words in this stanza were carefully chosen, and also I thought that eventhough you treaded carefully here- it turned out PERFECT! No need to worry about this stanza! <3

    Stanza 5:
    "As you work.
    Because it's never good enough.
    As you work harder,
    Because it will never suffice. "

    -- Great! Repetition is my favourite! And I have noticed that you have added the words "As you (work)"! Great-- as if referring to the reader and then revealing it all along. Great structure and made it interesting!

    Poem Conclusion:
    Overall, a great poem to read, and I know how it feels to sacrifice in order to work-- but in the end, the results are so rewarding and you can't really go wrong now can you?
    Loved the rhythm, the rhyme, and structure!
    Also loved the METAPHORS!! ;o Brilliantly used!

    Good work! Keep it up! <3
    Good Luck~
    -- Nicole xx

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