Child abuse

by sarah cowell   Apr 22, 2008

My name is Sarah...
and i am seventeen...

from the age of five...
until the age of sixteen...

i had taken blow after blow...
most of them to the head...

there was nothing i could do...
to stop the painful blows...

i started to cry...
and i got it worse...

i had went to school...
with bruises and welts...

all over my body...
but i knew to keep quiet...

if i told anyone...
when i got home...

i would fear for my life...
and pray to live...

every night i would have nightmares...
i would wake up screaming...

he's going to kill me...
i repeat over and over...

then he would wake up...
come into my room...

his eyes filled with rage...
weapon in hand...

he starts beating me...
every thing suddenly went black...

i couldn't see a thing...
but i could still feel him beating me...

i hear some one screaming....
the beating stop...

i can hear some beside me...
screaming at me to wake up...

i could not move...
or feel a thing on my body...

i was paralyzed throughout my whole body...
the screaming continued...

"you killed her"...
i hear a woman's voice scream...

i suddenly hear sirens...
they grow louder and louder...

as i start to be lifted...
i ask my self...

am i going to live...
i ask over and over...

not that anybody cares...
i tell myself...

i wake up in the hospital...
not knowing whats going to happen...

the doctor comes forward...
shining a light in my eyes...

i try to speak....
but my body will not allow me to...

the doctor hands me a piece of paper...
and a pen...

you will have to learn to speak all over again...
he proceeds to tell me...

i am so ashamed...
i start to cry...

i feel like such a failure...
but he reassures me that I'm not...

i suddenly realize that if something is not done...
next time i will die for sure...

i hate you so much auntie Birgit and uncle cudsy how could you do this to me now do you see what has become of me?


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