Murderous Lady

by Soulful Ensemble   May 27, 2008

The man tells his lover that he knows
She's a killer and he won't make it to noon.
But he wont leave anyways, he knows
That he would bring to her the moon.

He's very fond of love, and so is she
She has second thoughts about killing he.
Getting ready to die he kisses her
she soon forgets just where she's at
And is not prepared
To have a heart she has to share.

She reaches for a crutch that's breaking
While her knife, clutched, is shaking
Trying to remember its way home
It has to wait for something to come
So it can stab it all day long.

It might not be the lover
He might live another day.
If she can't be a killer
Then she'll find another way.

She'll poison him with love
Then kiss some other lips.
His heart with kicks is shoved
And running away it trips.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Sharon

    I still love your poems! Your images are great and i love the emotion that can be found in your words. Great!