The Crush

by Maurice   May 29, 2008

Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts?
While knowing deep inside that it wouldn't work

Wanting, longing to hold this person close
Because this is the person you want to share your life with the most

Your friendship is wonderful and perfectly in tact
But once you cross that line there is no turning back

You reveal you true fellings and put it all on the line
The silence is deafening I wish I could turn back the hands of time

Did I make a mistake by telling the truth?
Now everything is different and I don't know what to do

A burden has been lifted and my heart is at peace
But I continue to pray to GOD when will this pain cease

I trust in due time my heart will be healed
And all of this is due to The Crush I revealed


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  • 16 years ago

    by ForbiddenSnowflake

    Wow I can relate to this poem so much. That is the exact situation I am in right now. I know the emotion that goes with loving someone that might not love you back.
    Very well done 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Jessie

    I love this poem, it is truly amazing. i can really relate, its how i am feeling right now, so this made me remember him, and that, brought a little sunshine, on my rainy day

    It pains me to see you look at her, the way i look at you</3

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