
by Nicole   Jun 2, 2008

Nothing more to do... no more options left.... its over... time to give up... I've lost the will to continue to fight... Diminished the reserves... Been disgraced... pounded into belief that I don't know what I'm doing... fought hard... now defeated with nothing left.

No confidence...
No strength...
No emotion....

Sitting in a daze
engulfed in a cloud
Losing a little more
Nothing to cling too
All I've known has been torn away


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  • 15 years ago

    by coverd in darkness

    HUGZ 5/5 i think the last verse is really strong, i know it feels like nothing is right and has you questioning everything as you said to me it has to get better we are just coping the worst end at the moment even if all else is thrown away i promise you i'm here to stay by your side through everything hugs