Puppet Master

by Nobodys Hero   Jun 9, 2008

Darkness threads through my skin, my master hangs me alone
Wire slices though my heart these strings cut to the bone

My limbs they scream in agony, these routines I find a bore
I cry so desperately for their help yet they clap and cheer for more

Each new day brings tourment, each night an empty dream
For one person to turn around and here this voiceless scream

The darkness creates a blanket, my creator maliciously grins
Throwing me in this coffin tangled in blood soaked strings

A creation, a doll, a worthless toy, unloved without a soul
These clumsy stitches are falling apart for this girl no longer whole

Copyright © July 2008


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  • 14 years ago

    by Siglawoo

    I wish i had words to praise such a good poem... i ..ii.... shit.... its simply PERFECT........... 100/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    AN AWESOME WRITE.... very well written and expressed. I loved it! :))

    All the best,

  • 15 years ago

    by Siglawoo

    I have been searching for such a poem for months.. and here it is a master piece ....... i felt like a puppet reading this poem.. its each word stitching through my emotions... dancing me with its rhyme and melody ....... its simply perfect ...


  • 15 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Yeah, yeah, you kow how it goes - it was a great piece, blahdy, blahdy, blah, lol. Seriously, though, another great piece in the bag. Well done. Your poems I could read again and again and again.


  • 15 years ago

    by Evil One

    Very nice poem, it has a lot of emotion behind it. keep up the good work