Everything Happens For A Reason(1rst EVER)

by MyMuse   Jun 25, 2008

Everything happens for a reason...
Every eight seconds a baby is born
Everyone can die or suffer
When the light shines through the world
An angel gets its wings
When it rains
People are releasing their pain
Or entering the darkness of hell
God is crying, trying to reach out to you
God gives you the saying you dont know what you got till its gone
At every road you choose there will always be someone there holding your hand through the good and bad
At every flower you will hold
Hope rises up into your heart
Sometimes when a mystery is left unsolved maybe its better left that way
Every photograph holds a memory you should treasure with a laugh or ever a tear.
Every smile is a smile real or broken, its a start
Everyone has one heart because they need to find the one person that holds the other, the one you love and want to protect
There is always an angel by yourside its not that your blind but they are some are just in front of you loving you for everything you and even not.
People will put stars and dots on your face, they will stick only if you let them. Don't care what anyone says take that mask off and just be yourself.

Ok i know it's not the best poem but it was my 1rst ever so i hope you enjoyed because i know it was blah so ya.



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