Unseen Treasure

by The Apathetic Emo   Jun 28, 2008

Look here, I pray,
But you turn away.
Try to block your view,
But you look right through
And deny the truth that I've always been
Right beside you through thick and thin.

Call your name,
The result's the same.
Surrounded by mist,
It's like I don't exist
And you refuse to hold out your hand,
So in the darkness I'm left to stand.

Stare in wonder
At things gone asunder,
The dream of "we"
That refuses to be,
And wish it was within my power
All your blindness to devour.

Stumble along,
Never belong,
Who can survive
If they aren't alive?
And think of what could've been so heavenly
If only you had been able to see.


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