Custruction Zone

by SoUrNameIsTia   Jul 13, 2008

Frustration builds upon my soul,
no one moving
we're at a dead stop

next to me
the lane moves slow
i mumble and curse under my breath

attempting to switch lanes
i nudge in a bit
gun it as soon as there's a chance.
slam on the breaks!
feew! almost had a fender bender.

moving now
at a steady pace
a speed of 7mph

a third of a mile up
there appears to be yellow lights...
"oh please no"
...a sign pointing to switch lanes

my hands clench the steering wheel
nails dig into the hard leather

-construction zone ahead-
<-left lane only

I'm let back into the lane
and we all move slow
drive 3mph for 4 miles
only to see....
that no one is working!
its a Sunday!

--All Poems by Tia E


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  • 15 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Hehehe!!! this poem is gr8.. made me laugh a bit coz it just brings memories. bloody roads lol

  • 15 years ago

    by HvN

    I hate being stuck in traffic lol!

    nice poem 5/5