The Letter

by Just Keara   Jul 17, 2008

[this is actually a letter from my bf in jail to me. i HAD to put it up. :D]

My Love,
It's been quite some time since I've been able to express,
So I feel like now I should get this off my chest.
I wanted to thank you for everything you've done;
and proving to me over and over that you are the One.
I wanted to thank you for all of your beautiful kisses
and thank you for fulfilling all of my wishes.
My dear, My beautiful lady, I love you so much.
And being here, so far away from you, I am longing for your touch.
Times are tough and life isn't the same without you,
But I know you're out there holding me down, never do I doubt you.
I miss you more than I can say,
And I'm longing for the day
That we're reunited for once and for all
And I can finally stand proud and tall.
But until that time comes, just know this
I haven't forgotten a thing, every talk, every kiss.
Is planted into my brain forever
Just like the thought of us together.
So I end this note with a kiss and a hug.
Forever and ever, Your One True Love.


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