My Heart's Simple Melody...

by Karen   Jul 24, 2008

Upon my heart this simple melody
For an instant let unwind
To choose my life's chaotic symphony
Never this I leave behind
For every note in every chord
And every dissonance between
For that one quote that shall go foward
There's also one that's left unseen
If I so press for once performance
The very best expect to see
No slight appearance of discordance
This act of love...
It's all for me
But once that plot starts to embellish
On some things I'd rather not...
I instantly loose my undying attention
I grow reckless and distraught
Of this thought "brand new" harmony
I hear some words familiar
And to my horror realize
My nightmare's new exterior
This melodious sonnet once hoped' be my resurrection
Is turn to be my perfects song's equivocal dejection
To loose the rhythm to one's rhyme
A harmonic clashing's repeat
To stop death's search in endless time
To still a fading heartbeat
And yet.....
While to it's musical alignment, my fears' awakening be
This battle deep inside my soul created "Masterpiece"
None other than a work of art
One's truly given ingenuity
More than a love song set apart
And it is my heart' simple melody...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Cristian Teo Regalado

    Nice Poem...I loved how u used more complex words!!! Good Job!! 5/5

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