What Do You See

by AngelEyez89   Aug 3, 2008

I'm wishing the bath water clean,
Better yet, I wish there was something to clean me.
But there's not.
I'm dirty, tainted, broken,
Why did you have to break me?

I take off the mask that protects me from being Seen,
Because I want YOU, to see me, to know me,
So you can love the real me.
Look at me.
Stop watching your feet.
Look at me, and what do you see?

Does it scare you?
To look directly at the damage you caused?
Or do you feel self gratified?
Knowing you had the power to do so?
Don't give me sympathy, don't give me pity,
Give me answers, give me honesty.
Give me a reason for fighting,
Justify our war.

How do you tell an angel that you don't believe in God?
Or more so, that they're the reason?
Why do I feel like a stranger?
And I look around,
And all my friends are gone.
How could you let me become this?

Would you be me?
Because I would be you,
Just to know what you're thinking,
To know what it feels like,
To be a murderer of hope.

How do you do this?
Break me so fully, relentlessly,
When you know what I am,
What I've been through.

Why do you push me away?
Is it because I'm stained?
Broken on the inside
Torn on the outside
Exhausted from the stain that I try to hide
Scarred skin, bruised ego.
To scared to ask for help.
But I asked you.
I needed you.
And you left.

I'm wishing the bath water clean
Or better yet, myself.
I take off the mask that surrounds me
So you can observe the real me.
Look me in the face
Look at what you created.
What do you see?


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