If I Have Your Blessings

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Aug 5, 2008

Would I be doing you injustice
If I fell pregnant again?
Would it hurt you
If it was by that same man -
The one you would have called dad?
I know he didn't want you
And I wonder what makes me think
That he would want your sibling.
But something's different -
He's not that same bastard.
Yes, he HAS changed somehow.
Maybe he's just getting older.
Maybe he feels life growing colder.
I think he's realising
How empty his life is;
How much he needs someone.
But I guess that doesn't mean
That it's going to be me
That he chooses.
But aren't the things we want
Worth the chance?
Worth the risk?
Oh, my sweet Samantha,
I never want you to think
That I'm being disrespectful
To your memory.
If I knew that this would hurt you,
I would never pursue it again.
But if I have your blessing
I know that your dad and I
Could start something new.
We could be a family,
The way we were meant to be.



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