
by Curing the Comon Cliche   Aug 24, 2008

Hero running down the street
He'll try to save you, but he cant
There's no such thing as superman
He'll crash and burn and won't know why
He'll try to dream that he can fly
Remember those dreams
The one you'd have
Right after reading peter pan
You think you can
You think you can
Then you crash into the ground
And scream and cry all the way down
And hero running to save you
But he cant
Cause there's no such thing
As superman


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  • 15 years ago

    by StandStill

    Irony: Lexie calls me superwoman..

    This is good. Nobody can save 'em all, much as we want to. That doesn't fix it when you fail, but nobody can do it all..


  • 15 years ago

    by FiguringThisOutAsIGo

    Wow, that was good. and it was just too good for words. it was exactly the kind of poem i was looking for to show my friend. gr8 job. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by music4pumpkins

    All i can say is, i never had those dreams. i don't think i like this one, but you probably guessed that. it's good, but not my cup of tea.