Comments : The Endless Cycle

  • 15 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    My mother and i arent so tight at times either. I wish u the best and your poem touched me, maybe u can read one of mine.

  • I like the way this poem was written. such sad words. i can relate... good job keep it up.

  • 15 years ago

    by Vox

    Wow! great flow first off, the rhyme scheme was excellent too. But really (this may sound harsh but i dont mean it too) you took a topic that is almost overly used and made it sit fresh in my mind as if i had never heard of cutting before, this is an excellent poem, you have the ability to go far im sure


  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Although I hate cutting poems... this one was well-written. I have to disagree with your side of the argument though, you need to see that you're hurting the people around you when you cut...

  • 15 years ago

    by DarkCrystalbtrfy

    Very nice indeed. I love your style of dark, I can defenatly relate to this poem. When you wrote in the last line that this is my own burden to bear, the imadgry is just so clear. What you have said is true and I like the progression that your poem takes.

    When others hurt you or you have a fight with someone you feel as if its partly your fault even if it might not be. And so you take the pain that your feeling and you use it againt yourself a.k.a cutting. You might feel good or bad about it afterwards but this poem defenatly related this to me. Keep writing about your darker emotions even if other tell you its sad or wrong. Because the truth is, is that you need to get these emotions out onto paper so you can understand them better and if you dont do that you may become more confused about your situations.

    My favorite line in this poem is:
    Leaving my wrist throbbing in pain...

    You have such raw detail here. This line alamost jumps out at you as if to try to get you to understand that cutting is a very real thing and you have showed that in a very real mannor.
    Well written

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I have an endless cycle,
    I swear it's true...
    We have a fight,
    Then I can't help what I do...

    (great start, makes me want to keep reading.)

    I always cut myself,
    Leaving my wrist throbbing in pain...
    Thinking of our last fight,
    This time hoping to hit a vain...

    (i can relate to this, but you usesd the wrong word. you meant vein not vain)

    We fight about endless things,
    Things that shouldn't even matter...
    But the main thing we fight about,
    Is the fact that I am a cutter...

    (great stanza, i love that you keep the ellipses at the end of each line, that helps make you style unique)

    You call me selfish,
    For this endless cycle that I do...
    But the way I see it,
    It's me I'm hurting not you!

    (i feel like this sometimes.nice work)

    You say it hurts you as well...
    And I know as my mother it's your duty to care...
    But I'm sorry mum,
    This is a burden only I should bare...

    Amazing poem. one of your best i think. keep it up. Shanik