The End

by Huitzi   Sep 28, 2008

What do you feel, when you walk on the sidewalk? Day by day when you walk, do you feel blank? Maybe even lifeless? Do you feel your life is an entire dream?
There are times that go by, and I never know who I am. I always wonder what is the purpose of my life? Or anyone's life for that matter? What is life? Why are we here? Was it the fact that God was lonely and needed someone? Or was it evolution?
I feel that my entire life has been an entire dream, going about and trying to discover what we all really are. Are we just human beings on earth, going by trying to make end's meet? We all, including me, parade around the streets as if nothing good or bad will happen. But something will happen.So as soon as I felt the warmth of that sidewalk, and soon seeing the thick red liquid pour on the floor from me, and watching the full moon shine in the midnight sky, I finally knew what my purpose was. It was just too bad I had to be murdered to find out.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Blueleo

    Oh man, you had me there. I thought I had it all figured out until the end. Good way to test your readers, lol. Reminds me of something I heard a long time back. It was something along the lines of: "Why are you searching for the meaning of life? No one has done it yet and no one ever will. Death hits you when you least expected it and you realize how short life was and you wasted it searching for it when you had it." And another quick quote comes to mind, "Don't be in a hurry to die, the time is coming soon enough." Thanks for the great read.