World I'm Born2 Clean

by 14th   Oct 12, 2008

At 17 I was introduced to organized crime
At 18 seen so many murders that it dimmed my mind
Falls of stars, people in zip bags or breaking mad laws
Heart been so messed up been to weak to stand tall
Feel with greed, like that of a different need
Like standing on the corner, selling weed tahfeens'
Destroying they life with every chance I get
You asking them they last name, they
Probability forget
What else could I do?
Look at the world I'm Born 2
Born with sin dead before my life begin
Mafia ties, my eyes water for lost friends
Is this how my life supposed to be?
Or is this the only reason I'm living
Is 4some one to put holes in me, B?


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  • 15 years ago

    by 14th

    Yo i love that line Yeah ill make a remix and
    Throw it in there

  • 15 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Both verus sing I did think of a line for one of my poems from this one . tell me what you think
    < BORN from sin dead within> did you ever hear this line?? I HATE WHEN I think ithink up a line nut disvory its fgrom something i heard long time ago
    anyway another 5 vote