
by Kayl   Nov 18, 2008

Through the bars, i see their faces,
i see their eyes and all their disgraces.
Shadowed by the SS,
wishing i could esape this mess.
He ruled of tyranny,
making everyone envy.
My name is now a number,
one of millions.
I cannot breathe,
caught in this test.
I wear a yellow star,
wishing i was oh so far.
family thrown and burned,
dreams fondly yearned.
Scratches on my back,
hoping my brain is still intact.
Praying to God,
wanting it to all end,
wishing i had a single friend.
Caught up in a mind of deception,
fearing life and every possession.
Test and deaths, i see it all around me.
While he sits and drinks his tea.
Suffering for many,
money for few,
Bars a'plenty,
flame grown blue.
The smell of flesh, the bodies that will soon mesh.
piled up high to the sky,
Dear God, tell me it is a lie.
One man to devestate a nation,
Devil's own creation.
Praying to the man above,
waiting to see that flying dove.
Scared for my life,
sleepless at night.
I cannot breathe, without that smell.
I realize, I've arrived in hell.

----copyright. kayla

Inspired by the Holocaust and the millions of Jews who suffered because of it. R.I.P, we must never forget.


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