Let it go

by jamaal hooks   Dec 3, 2008

Sometimes we as people hold on to things that we should just let go. Although there's no reason as to
why we should we've all done it. We like to look back
on times both good and bad when we should let go.

We hold on to things such as guilt,emotions,love,anger
and broken hearts. Even though all things named are
in some what part of an emotion still we should just
let it go. It hurts more than it helps.

It never helps to lose a love or love one,yet we must
look at times shared laugh,cry then just let it go. If you
don't it begins to weigh you down and it covers you in a
way that you can't get from under it,so let it go.

Guilt is by far the worse of all. It leaves you open to
alot of what if's,maybe's or should have beens. It will ruin you of everything you hold dear to you. It clouds
your judgment when you should just let it go.

love is never one to forget, It's the one that lingers the most. The one that for some causes the most pain.
who really wants to let go of a love rather it's your first,
second or third. pain is pain just let it go.

Anger is a emotion that should not be kept inside.
if you hold on to it,it will eat you up inside and alive.
it's the one true emotion in which I fear the most. It
hinders all,everything when it should be let go.

Broken hearts we've all had a time or two some more
than others. In the end we must learn that anything that
is worth having is worth fighting for but if it hurts to bad to carry on then you should just let it go.

Being able to open up and talk will help you in any
choice you need to make about if you should or not
let it go. In the end it's really up to you,but if you are losing sleep,or can't eat thats not good to you.

Simple are words we've heard before ask me how I
dealt with it with no cares or worries thats easy just let go and GOD deal with it.


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