Sweet Dreams, Sweet Dreams

by KeyxMashingxParody   Mar 25, 2009

Into the deep,
As souls sleep,
Their mystic dreams,
Heaven, it seems,
To be calling,
Into sleep, I am falling,
Closing my eyes,
Beginning my flight...

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams,
Into the night sky.
The black abyss shimmers,
As the stars accent it's eyes.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams,
Across many zodiacs.
Crossing a nebula,
Caressing my stomach.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams,
To fathom such a night.
Dreaming of such beauty,
Living each flight.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams,
I shall say once more.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams,
Once again on the black shore.

Out of the deep,
As souls end their sleep,
Their mystic dreams,
Heaven, it seemed,
To stop calling,
Out of sleep, I am falling,
Opening my eyes,
Ending my dark flight...


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