This Lost Love

by stuart s   Apr 19, 2009

This Lost Love

This lost love is killing me inside
Within this lost life, I have nowhere to hide
It's over now I need to accept it
But I cant help but feel like sh*t
I have drank in the city streets and yet
I keep going back to the place we met
The memories are flooding back to me
But all my pain I know you cannot see
Or do you even care how I tried to take my life
You may not know it but I wanted you to be my wife
As I lay there with blood gushing from each wrist
I think about you and how I never missed
Every chance to make you smile
Cheer you up when you were sad once in a while
The days I spent holding you in my arms
Making sure you never came to harm
All I wanted to do was make you feel loved
Every feeling you had I never shoved
Away from our relationship and time together
I wanted us to last forever
But I know now that will never come to be
All you can do is say you loved me
My heart is now snapped in two
Because of this lost love of me and you...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Bittersweet

    An excellent sad love poem..keep up the good work..