Losing the world

by Nicole   Jun 5, 2009

Here today and gone tomorrow that seems to be all to expect
One day they're here
They swear they aren't going anywhere
The next their either dead..
Or your staring at their back

Pain is loss
And loss is suffering
Why can't we be happy too
Why do we have to lose people we love
People we can't live without
People we're so used to having with us that there's a hole the day they leave

Best friend for years
Found her new life
Him and her
Ended us
No hope now
That was a goodbye

Cancer took one
Now it threatens to take another
This one so much closer
This one my mum
In so much pain it breaks my heart
All this pain
All this suffering
All this loss
All this grief

All I want is that which makes my heart whole
Friends who won't leave
Family who aren't stolen from me
Can't they just stay with me
Those smiles were worth so much more then the tears they now bring
The tears shouldn't replace the laughter
There shouldn't be this massive hole in my heart

The emotional pain outweighs any physical one
I've lost so much to gain so little
I miss what I had
And I wish I could turn back time and prevent this pain from happening


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