The Sky

by mzlovehate   Jul 3, 2009

Sometimes it�s up, sometimes it�s down.
Sometimes its� hidden by the clouds.

Sometimes it peeks out,
Like it�s lost and confused
And doesn�t know what to do.

Sometimes, it�s happy
And beams and is just the shining,
Or, it�s sad and cries with tears flowing down uncontrollably.

Sometimes, it�s foggy:
Like a room with no windows
After someone finished smoking in it.

Sometimes, it hails
Like problems of a single mother
Trying to work, cook, clean, raise five kids, and pay the bills.

Sometimes it�s mad
Causing thundering and lightening
Constant striking and striking.

Sometimes its calm (no problems):
It�s not beaming and happy
Nor sad and crying:
Everything�s just at ease.

Up above,
The sky
Sometimes imitates me and my feelings.

**This poem reflects my emotions but my dad said it could represent love.**


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