Always Loving U

by D Jon Versatino   Sep 23, 2009

If science fusion can light up the world then the sun would have been POWERLESS, if the stars are as small as the world biggest diamond, then it would not lit up the sky, if my heart is as fictive as the LEGEND of the SEEKER then i would have gulp down this TITANIC love and make my escape like the PRISON BREAK. And if only your kind and matured way of not loving me will make me stop loving you, then i will become an INFATUATION IDOL.
But the fact still remained TRUE: Always thinking of you,and always dreaming of you.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Nicole Easton


  • 14 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    I was a bit unsure about the structure but towards the end I began to like it. It's like a long stanza but it's more of a paragraph. I like that some words that you wanted to stand out were in capital letters..
    I loved the end: "But the fact still remained TRUE: Always thinking of you,and always dreaming of you. "

    Great job!