Vengance shall be mine

by Marcus blake   Oct 16, 2009

I will have my vengeance
Those that stole from me
Everyone that robbed my happiness
You shall suffer as I did
They will rot in the abyss
Until they LOVE IT!...
Sleep in the cold as I did
I have no mercy to give
All will feel it
My wrath of revenge
One way or the other I'll win
Why not death? for it is to good for them
As I said you shall suffer as I did
You will lose everything as I did
Stare at the darkness till you become it
My heart is frozen in unbreakable ice
I can not die
Not until they have suffered
Not until they have bleed
Not until they feel my pain
For that purpose I live
To make sure this world we live in
Is hell for those who stole everything me
For that, I shall have my vengeance...


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