Dead or Alive

by guy named Guy   May 9, 2010

As the sun seeps down. The moon shall rise. With the darkness all set around. All the monsters come out to play. Reaping souls. From long lost ghouls. Turned away from the lightened path now turned to darkness with a quickened haste. Finding the horror deep within us. We scream for the ashes from the eternal living dead. To throw upon the earth with crude spells of protection. From this magic risen world. We cling to the peace within our dreams. Hoping the horrors dont follow and enter our thoughts. Feeling the nightmares Envelop our minds. We turn to the embers that light up the sky. And pray to the gods for their ancestral service. Seeing the shadows move with their horrific forms we hear the cackles. And the distant howls. Hiding under our beds. We begin to shake, rattle, and roll for forgiveness of the wrongs we commit. And declare for our own. Our lives filled with sin. Till the day we forget of the lies of the future. We're left here to wonder with the lives that we live. Are we dead or alive in this world called the present.       


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  • 14 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I really liked this piece. Very well written with a deeper meaning than some pieces I've read lately. Nik

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