A Tender Touch

by jen sheridan   Oct 12, 2010

Who dares to judge the lonely, who dares to question their intention?
Who dares to hold them in contempt, who dares to attempt intervention?
The combination, of empathy and care, holding firm their spiritual connection,
A genuine sharing of eternal love and everlasting affection,
A bond formed, in the depths of desperation, with nothing more than each other,
The love they share is deep, longing, not that of a mere temporary lover,
A tender touch between two lost and lonely spirits, reassuring one another with the gentlest caring caress,
Transforming fear, allaying loneliness and pain, pacifying insecurity, under extreme duress...
Hiding in each other's protective, secure, eternal embrace,
Free to feel and love in this sacred, spiritual, place,
Seeking asylum from their self inflicted torment, an invisible prison confining in eternal isolation,
Feeling the loneliness associated with complete and unimaginable desolation....
In each other they trust and find solace enough to continue their journey through the ages,
Methodically flipping through the days with little else, like a book with countless pages,
Now they soar upon each other's wings higher, until the earth surrenders to darkness,
Free at last to be themselves, in adoring company, so free and utterly self-less...

We construct our own prisons of pain......Reach out before it's too late.....someone is waiting for you somewhere....

Janelle Sheridan
(Sept. 2010)


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