Comments : Auf Wiedersehen

  • 13 years ago

    by M I L L Y

    A Little confusing

  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    A good description of your title and I find it to be very emotional as well, though I was not expecting it to be. The flow and structure of the poem were really good but I really found the shortness of this piece to be almost bothersome but if that is how you wanted it then take no heed to what I say. :] Anyway the feelings you put into this poem is really good as it keeps it alive and I find it to be very essential.

    I couldn't really find one line I like the best so I can't really get into detail but I think all your lines were creative and important to the message of the poem. You seem to also have a way with words as you know where to put them in order to get the most effectivness out of them

    So in all, I really like this poem and found it to carry a strong message and I especially like the title as that is what drew me in and I was wondering what in the world that meant. :] Anyway before I go on forever and ever I will say one last time as I always do you never rust in your poetic skills and it seems you only get better and better! Great job and keep writing. :]

  • 13 years ago

    by E <3

    "Numb, I stand still above the
    inflamed prints that your steps
    left behind..."

    ^^^ I'm sure I've told you this before, and I'm sure I'll tell you this a thousand more times, but, I LOVE the way you start off your poems. This without reading the rest of the poem yet, this makes me crave more. Also, I love the imagery in it. It leaves me with a plethora of questions, and a strange feeling in my tummy.

    "I chatter to thousands of grains,
    shocked, unaware I get swiped
    with this wistful current"

    ^^^ "Wistful current" I love that. I love the stanza. It flows together very nicely. The words you choose fit in perfectly.

    "gathering my emotions that you
    abandoned at the edges of my
    crumbling corners"

    ^^^ I'm speechless. Trying to pin point and dissect this stanza is so difficult for me to do. I just love it. Worded simply, yet when laced together by an amazing poet like you... It makes me speechless, depressed, and intrigued.

    "holding tight onto my sentiments,
    until we meet again"

    ^^^And have I ever told you that when you end poems I want to kick someone because it's over? This stanza is my favorite. I love cliff hangers, and the feeling it leaves me with. And even though this poem is a lot shorter than I would have liked it, you made it work, and you made it great. :) Like you always do. ^.^

    Oy. Something that stood out to me: all the stanzas you wrote had three lines in it except the last one. -strokes chin- Intahrestin'. This is making me sad, I really wish you would have made it longer, I absolutely love how you write, and it pains me to only read four stanzas it's not enough. -withdrawal- You're poems are like a drug to me. lol. You did an amazing job, Captain Rania. I just read it over again-- grrrrrrrrrreat. It reads and flows incredibly, and once again, the images left with me are marvelous. You really did a great job with painting a picture.
    I BEG YOU!

  • 13 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I loved the phrase used here a lot, I learned something new. I'm glad you told us what the phrase meant, it brought more meaning to the poem and plus I would have thought this was a person if you wouldn't have revealed it. I like the usage of the phrase to end the poem, it is perfect. Loved it.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Short,simple sweet! Estoo me gusta mami!! :) made me smile... !

  • 13 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Ich werde dich nie im Stich lassen, mein Liebchen!! Du hast es sehr gut geschrieben:)

    5/5 Ingrid xxx

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Haha aww danke Ihnen so sehr Ingrid:)