Teenage Dirtbag

by Mello193   Apr 6, 2011

Love is distance
and distance is pain
everyday in class
its seems the same
right behind you
cant be farther away
poems read aloud
my secrets you gave away

reflections of inner self
watching through the blinds
water comforting
as i read you aloud those lines

they call me the dirtbag
from a broken home
father abusive
love is gone
im all alone

love is distance
and distance is pain
everyday in class
dirt bag to blame
in front of me
locker love
your eyes are rivers of hate
and hate i see


love is distance
and distance is death
everyday i wait for you to kill me again
wait for death
final breath



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  • 12 years ago

    by XxLastHopexX

    Such a sad poem, I could feel your pain as I read it. Well done.

  • 13 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    This was beautifully written, filled with raw emotion. This story has been told from so many point of views. I really liked the line "locker love" a great way to describe it. Clever indeed. I have to say that I just loved that last word as well. The structure of it fit wonderfully. Having it spaced apart from the rest and being such a simple but strong word... was amazing.


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