My shinning star

by cantbecompared   Jul 3, 2011

You are my guiding star
you are my shining light
you are my everything
what helps me through the night.
You are my heart
you are my soul
you are my Savior
what makes me feel whole.
You are more than my sister
you are my best friend
you are the one that will be there
when my heart needs to mend.
I love you Shanxe
more than you will ever know
you are my other half
with you I am whole


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  • 12 years ago

    by cantbecompared

    Thank you=)

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    A sweet little message that can be written in
    a card. Sisters are great to have around for
    with them you can share everything..nice read :)