The Woman I Am

by labirynth   Aug 23, 2011

I am but a woman in despair.
I am a woman without anything but doubts.
I am but a woman in guilt.
I am a woman hiding with myself!

I always pretend I'm happy even I'm not!
I laugh before my crying heart!
I believe I can move on,
But then, I don't know where to start!

I can be a good adviser,
But how come I fool myself?
I can catch someone in need,
But I cannot rescue my heart from hurting!

I am but a woman full of secrets.
Secrets untold and cannot be reveal.
Now? The woman I am still cannot find itself!
The woman lost in her own world!


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  • 13 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was a very personal poem and it raised questions that I feel like as I grow up will come across....what it means to be a woman and not doubt yourself. Some very powerful words you have penned that show your hurt, and it may feel like you are hiding yourself but there will come a time when your light will shine brighter and brighter. Keep hoping!

    thanks for sharing!