The Question is Rhetorical

by Freeze Tyler   Sep 19, 2011

Why is this world so arrogant?
Why are these people so ignorant?
Why do so many people wish harm
Over their views of religion?
Why are the kids overlooking
The purpose of troops?
Why are the innocents of kids
Being lost in the loops
Of television reels?
Why is the government snooping?
What about the oil spills?
Why are the people so hostile
Always wanting to kill?
What if we tossed out religion?
What if we tossed out the oil?
What if we got rid of the extraneous
Things that make us spoiled?
How would you cope with this life?
What would you bring to a knife fight
If you were told
You aren't living the right life?
What if it is night time,
And we're all about to wake up?
What if there isn't a battle;
We have already given up.
What if rhetorical questions
Brought out the horrible intentions
Of war lords who use the poor
For the Muslim extinction?
What about benediction
Of the human condition?
What about those on pension
Without a housing situation?
How come in a world of questions
Only the rhetorical are asked?
Why is it that the past
Has problems we face now?
How come too many clown
And still have work,
While down town
College graduates sleep on the ground?
Why are debts so high
That you can't get by?
Why do we mush on
To get passed by?
Why do we waste so much time
On these useless lies?
Why do I waste so much time
On these useless rhymes?


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