by lost angel   Feb 14, 2012

I'm scared. I find myself scared of everything lately. Of the dark because that's when you attacked me. Of being left alone, because you wouldn't dare if anyone was around. You fight and scream at my mother. But when she is gone and everyone is sound asleep. You take your frustration out on me. You tell me I'm worthless and you wish i wasn't your daughter. You wouldn't harm my sisters and for this I'm grateful. i don't know what it is that I did to deserve this. To be frighten of walking in my own home. My life isn't worth living. I'm numb. I take a blade to my arm each and every night. Sometimes i am left with nothing to feel at all and others I can feel physical pain. That pain is so much easier to deal with. But the emotional pain you cause could brake me. I'm done fighting. I'm done trying. I'll end my life with one swift cut along my wrist. Make sure it's good and deep. I don't think I could ever be loved not after the damage he's done. so what's the point in trying????


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  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Could that have been a better resolution? Perhaps, you mayn't have had it worse than I did have when I lived with my father.. But behind all goodbye, there's a welcome.. No meal gets ready without heat. And wheat ferments just for good brew.. The worst to imagine is Past. Tame the Past and Name your Future.. It's never over, till you win!!! It takes heated cloud, to make rain.. Problem shared is hopeful of cure.. Thanks for speaking up from your wright.. Until you give up, you can win!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Could that have been a better resolution? Perhaps, you mayn't have had it worse than I did have when I lived with my father.. But behind all goodbye, there's a welcome.. No meal gets ready without heat. And wheat ferments just for good brew.. The worst to imagine is Past. Tame the Past and Name your Future.. It's never over, till you win!!! It takes heated cloud, to make rain.. Problem shared is hopeful of cure.. Thanks for speaking up from your wright.. Until you give up, you can win!!!