Hey Brianna*

by remimic   Mar 19, 2012

Hey Brianna
I came to visit today
You're quiet as usual
But you're great at listening

"Hey Brianna",
I say as I set my flowers down,
"How've you been?"
I can almost see you smile

Hey Brianna,
isn't this nice?
Sitting and humming together?
I think so.

"Hey Brianna,"
I say, and I start babbling again.
About Mama and Daddy,
about home and school.
I'm glad you listen well.

Hey Brianna,
Are you happy?
Do you think of your
little sister
and the rest of your family?

Hey Brianna,
What do you do for fun?
Do you read? Write? Draw? Sing?
Like me?

Hey Brianna,
It's getting late.
I have to get home now.
I brush off the leaves
"Brianna Marie Mock"
"Born and died on April 18th, 1998"

"Hey Brianna"
I say as I make
the long walk home,
"Happy Birthday."

*I wrote this last year around April 18th when I was feeling depressed about my stillborn older sister, Brianna. I just found it in an old notebook of mine. Hope you like it.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    You have a great potential..keep up the good work=)

  • 12 years ago

    by CarnivorousCoffin

    Lol srry nope Connor you never mentioned her. xc

  • 12 years ago

    by remimic

    I thought u knew about brianna, faith. xD anyways....thanks

  • 12 years ago

    by CarnivorousCoffin

    Awww I'm srry Connor :'( But it's really good though.

  • 12 years ago

    by Tilly Toe Tottes xx

    I really like this
    and im very sorry to hear about your sister
    but you have got real poetry SKILLZZ GIRL -_- ;)