
About CarnivorousCoffin

What doesn't kill you...Makes you wish it did.

Profile of CarnivorousCoffin

  • Age : 19
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Florida
  • Joined : Dec 13, 2011
  • Last Visit : 4 years ago
  • Poems : 20
  • Comments : 42
  • Quotes : 9
  • Posts : 7
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By CarnivorousCoffin

Latest Quotes By CarnivorousCoffin

  • Habits are the friends we have made over the years when we felt alone, and when you tell us to stop...That's like throwing our friends away, and you must understand how hard it is to throw away friends.

    10 years ago
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  • I've loved and I've lost

    12 years ago
    0 0
  • I look at the stars on my cieling every night,but they don't compare to the actual beauty of the stars outside.....They shine less,but in both sets I can still spell your name out...That's when I always look away and hide from their deadly beauty.

    12 years ago
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