Did you even kiss me goodbye

by kathy triplett   Apr 11, 2012

Why did you leave me I was so small and helpless you called me your little girl?
You taught me how to eat ketchup with nothing else to speak Spanish all day with no problem,
But then you just left me with what seem like no regret and now that I'm older when I chose to find you,
Because you didn't seem to want to find me I now have to show you respect show you the upmost praise,
Why because you were a dead bet dad why because you didn't care,
Why because you're big and I'm small your right and I'm wrong and there's nothing I can do about it,
No I call bull why should I be nice why should I show you respect at all you just left me,
Dropped me like a hat slammed the door and drove away did you even kiss me goodbye or tell my you loved me,
Do you have a reason that would make up for all this pain?


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