Unusual Silence And The Willow Tree

by Baby Rainbow   Jun 22, 2013

She sits alone beneath the tall willow tree
in the corner of the playground, as the other
children happily play inside the park.
Her little fingers pulling off petals
from the daisy she plucked from the grass.

Strangers pass glances as they wonder why
this lonely child has never played,
has never smiled, and they have never
heard her speak. Their questions are always
answered with the same unusual silence.

As time went by, old strangers moved on
and the new ones learned to give up.
She remained alone beneath the tall willow tree
in the corner of the playground; her only
place of real security.

If only these people had taken the time to
open their eyes and see, they would find the answer
was right there all along. This little girl was
screaming the truth through her sad unusual silence.

And engraved in the bark are the words "help me",
as she continues to wait for the world around her
to finally look and see.




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  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    First stanza: Already this has a somber tone to it, the child beneath a willow tree (which is known for it's droop, so definitely adds to the sadness here) watching children play while she plucks petals from a daisy. I connect with that, because whenever I was upset when I was little, I'd sit outside on the porch and pluck at weeds, grass, flowers...whatever was near...it would relax me in ways, take my mind off whatever was making me sad.

    Second stanza: Strangers pass and question but never once stop to find answers. She never plays with the children, although she watches from her tree...yearning to feel that happiness that they seem to radiate (but never far enough to reach her). I like the 'unusual silence' incorporated here. The strangers see it as unusual, but to the little girl... it's her normal, which breaks my heart.

    Third stanza: Old strangers left while new strangers gave up trying to figure her out. The willow tree was the only place she felt safe.

    Fourth stanza: If only the strangers would have opened their eyes a little wider, walked over and tried to ask her what was wrong... just talk to her... instead of just glaring from afar, judging...they would have found their answer. I've always heard silence screams louder than words... you captured that here so well.

    Ending: Absoutely breaks my heart... she had carved the words "help me" so maybe someone would come along and read it and see... but no one ever did bother to. It makes one wonder if she just carved it in there because she was afraid of asking, of if she couldn't talk so she couldn't ask.

    Wonderful write, as always. <3

  • 10 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Oh Saffie, this is beyond sad, this is just such a heartbreaking piece of poetry, and the imagery just tears at my heart...

    People never look deep enough, they think and question but they never act, never actually look past the surface and see the real help that is needed.

    It pains me, for children are so vulnerable and experiences like this shape them, those that manage to survive the pain and abuse in their childhood still battle the demons into teenage years and into adulthood,it never goes.

    So many people just don't see the world enough, they ignore the hard things for their own self. They have no values or conscience.

    This poem just hit me, right in the centre, and you penned such a piece that many here will feel the same way...
