by stanley oguh   Oct 4, 2013

Love isn't just a single word or feeling
Said to tickle an ear and leave you reeling

Nor is love abstract and void of care
But what one envisions and does all year

We convey our love by things that we do
When a loved one is hurting we hurt too

Love is conveyed by deeds not merely said
And connects us all with a common thread

Love is single soul embedded in two separate bodies
That keeps the heart beating for many centuries

Love isn't a feeling for a short period
For Its care is countless and myriad

Love is a word some find difficult to say
But it leaves an enormous price to pay

Love is feeling of endless sacrifice
That can never be bought with no price

Love is bond that binds two souls
Its a great gift that must be extols

Love is a shield that not only blinds our heart from hate
But distance our soul from all forms of irate

Love means when one hurts us, we forgive
Not five years later to bring up and relive

Love takes our soul to where it belong
for it keeps no record of wrong

Love means to give without asking
For it makes living on earth basking

Love is boundless and priceless
Its limitation is endless

Love sometimes forces on us a ling wait
But love never delegates us power to dictate

Love is that master key to the door of happiness
Its the bricks that forms the mantle of success

We don't have to agree with each other to love
For God gave me what I was unworthy of

What's held in your heart your mouth will speak
So before speaking do a mental critique

love is never idle or to be cast in mothballs
I see love as a servant in coveralls

In short, Love is GODS nature in procreation
For it's the genesis of human creation


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