
by Forever Hers   Oct 23, 2013

A faint smile is strung over quivering lips
Before her head hangs and she holds in a sob,
Her heart pounding loud in her ears
Before she walks away with a melody they both love.

The leaves crunch loud and soft under her,
Every step louder and more hollow than the last
More fall around her but avoid touching
Her pale skin, as if her fragile appearance
Is saying with one touch, she will shatter;

And they are right to not touch her.

Their variety of colors spiral like a different kind of rainbow,
Giving her the gift of beauty in a depart
Caused by a silence louder than everything combined;
Now she is followed by a ghostly crackle.

Her road is covered in their fallen bodies,
Allowing her red, blurry eyes a sight so gorgeous.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    I love how you can take something so simple and make it into something like this lol. Okay I had to read this a few times to think about what I think it means lol. But... I think in the first stanza you are crying for sure and you have done well with showing the imagery of crying. I love the melody of heartbreak or so it seems. This is very sad though because you are lost in woods and you lost the one you love it seems. I think maybe you are at your favourite spot. I love the imagery in the second stanza :). The leaves fall all around you meaning it's Autumn time and I feel like here that you are taking a walk of loneliness. The leaves are your friend and they know not to touch you because you arein a ffragile state of of mind. Wow the ending is such beauty. I love the imagery you played out. I can see all the leaves falling and you are like a little kid again. Oh I understand now you bring out what you mean at the end. This person you used to love and now they are a shell of a memory. But the ghost of her comes out because you are in the spot you always walk. I think. Lol. Anyway this is such a beautiful poem. :).