A First Encounter [And Ongoing] (Shakespearean Sonnet)

by Smaccams   Nov 5, 2013

A first encounter; a new acquaintance
Before summer breeze blows over my home.
Fore the oncoming tide of distance,
Our new relation is anchored through foam.
Bottled messages we both shared in joy,
With glass shields they shook for the tempting tales.
In our sapphire swims we both shared our buoy,
While their cawish clamor had fueled their sails.
Promises to return to that same shore,
After summer breeze left my welcome home,
Had died in the arms of a filthy wh-re.
Was our friendship not deep enough till stone?
I rest on this bay letting your tides pass;
I promised I'd stay till your very last.

Caroline Schmiermann


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